ELIVRA - Electronic Press Kit
Alexander Lau
E-Mail: elivra.booking@gmail.com
Instagram: Instagram
Streaming Services: Feature FM |
4 members
Studio-recorded EP in progress
Mixing, Mastering, Production by Lance Prenc (Polaris, Alpha Wolf, Thornhill, etc.) |
Genre: Metalcore, Post-Hardcore, Melodic Metalcore
Sounds like: Invent Animate, Silent Planet, Polaris, Spirit Box
Set length: 30 minutes
Links: Soundcloud, Straming, Spotify |
Martin (Vocals, Screams), known from Near the Abyss
Christian (Guitar), known from MRS GOAT
Alex (Guitar, Vocals), known from Anywhere But Here
Matthias (Drums), known from MRS GOAT
PRESSETEXT (deutsch)
Elivra ist eine 4 köpfige Metalcoreband aus der wunderschönen Hauptstadt Berlin.
Die Gruppe formte sich aus den Berliner Bands 'Near the Abyss', 'Mrs. Goat' und 'Anywhere but Here', um seit 2024 die Bühnen der Szene unsicher zu machen.
In den Texten der für Juni angekündigten EP "Departures" geht es um den Konflikt der eigenen Menschlichkeit mit dem gesellschaftlichen Rahmen unseres kapitalistisch gezeichneten Systems. Diese sowohl politischen, als auch persönlichen Themen werden in der Musik auf emotionale und kontrastrastreiche Weise in Sing-alongs und brachiale Breakdowns verpackt. Ein Spaß für die ganze Familie.
Auch Live überzeugt die Band mit einer auf die Songs abgestimmten Lichtshow und einer energiegeladenen Bühnenperformance.
PRESS TEXT (english)
Elivra is a four-piece metalcore act from beautiful Berlin, Germany.
The Group was formed by former members of the bands 'Near the Abyss', 'Mrs. Goat' and 'Anywhere but Here' to shake up stages with spectacular live performances from 2024 onward.
In the lyrics of the upcoming EP "Departures" (announced for June 2024) the band addresses the clash of humanity and the societal framework of a system scarred by capitalism. These very political topics with a personal background are portrayed musically through sing-along parts and violent breakdowns. A joy ride for youngsters and elder(-ly emos). In a live setting, the band delivers an outstanding sonic experience along with a matching light show and overall energetic stage presence.
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Stickers and CDs in progress